Episode: 17

Diving into DDD

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The Show

  • 00:00 - Intro + πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday Matt πŸŽ‚
  • 01:10 - The DDD Australia meetup - Correction and Apologies. It was Lee Dunkley (not Lee Dunkel). πŸ“Ί Watch the talk here (after you finish this episode πŸ˜‰)
  • 03:30 - πŸ“˜The “Blue” book - Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans
  • 04:00 - Is DDD Only for Complex problems?
  • 05:20 - Can we write a framework to make it simpler?
  • 05:45 - Start with Why by Simon Sinek
  • 07:40 - Liam gets nostalgic - Is DDD responsible for the long term success of a large project?
  • 09:00 - ❀️The Heart of DDD - the ubiquitous Language
  • 10:00 - Contextive The ubiquitous dictionary plugin
  • 12:30 - 1984 - The importance and impact of Language
  • 14:30 - The software engineers superpower
  • 15:30 - Can DDD help develop our superpowers
  • 18:30 - The Ubiquitous Dictionary isn’t an Encyclopedia
  • 20:00 - Should Liam write a book? Let us know here
  • 21:20 - πŸ“™The “Orange” book - Implementing Domain Driven Design
  • 22:00 - Event Storming
  • 23:30 - Red/Green/Refactor
  • 25:15 - Is there an argument for Managers, Calculators, Helpers etc?
  • 26:10 - Thoughts on extension methods
  • 27:10 - Can you take DDD too far?
  • 31:30 - ⚠️Rant Alert⚠️ - ViewModel vs view model
  • 39:30 - Is DDD having a renaissance?
  • 45:50 - Matt’s Pennydrop moment πŸ’‘
  • 51:30 - DDD as a Superpower enabler

🍻 Tonights Drinks 🍻